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National Umpires Examination : 2011




All State Associations

National Umpires Examination : 2011

It has been decided to conduct the first National Umpires Examination on 1st January, 2011 at Indore.  State Associations may forward the applications, from interested State Level umpires , in the enclosed format together with an examination fee of Rs.1000/- (Drawn in favor of  Table Tennis Federation of India, New Delhi ) so as to reach the federation office latest by 15th December, 2010.

The candidates will have to report at Indore by evening, on 31st December, 2010.  They will attend  a National Umpires Course  from 0800 a.m. on 1st January, 2011 at Indore.  After the conclusion of the course, the examination will be conducted . 

State Secretaries are requested to nominate the names of umpires who have knowledge of table tennis and who has officiated in the local tournaments for the last two years, for the above examination.

The umpires will also be evaluated on Field of play during the Sub Junior Nationals to be held at Indore .

Please note that , in future, we will be considering the nomination of Umpires for various Nationals only from those umpires who have passed the National Umpires Examination.

D R Choudhary
Secretary General




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