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Dear All,


With the new season (2017-18) activities beginning in a couple of months, it is time that the state units of TTFI began their registration of new players in both the Cadet and Sub-Junior categories. You are requested to do it diligently and conforming to the norms and guidelines spelt out by TTFI.


 You are also aware that with the beginning of every new season, the players start migrating from one state to another and we must set in motion the transfer of players—again as per TTFI guidelines—with the deadline for completing the process being July 31, 2017. In other words, no transfer can be effected after the expiry of the above deadline.  


Please issue a circular to your state players informing about the deadline.


 We had already informed you about the sports ministry guidelines on the importance of forming selection committees to choose players that will represent your state in all national ranking tournaments. This was brought to your notice during the January AGM held at Gurugram.


 Accordingly, you are requested to form a selection committee of your state to pick the squads that will represent your state in all national ranking tournaments. This is mandatory. Once you have nominated members who will be part of your selection committee, please notify to TTFI about it with the names and contact number of the members.


 Also, we must utilize the summer vacation really well and organize coaching camps in your states. This will not only help young players get some valuable practice time under your supervision but also keep them away from being getting rusted.


 Please arrange all these and let us know when you will be able to organize the camp besides your selection committee. Also please comply with the guidelines on transfer and registration of new players.


 During the Gurugram AGM, you were informed about the importance of conducting AGM in your state and submitting the audited statement of accounts to TTFI. We hope most of you must have already conducted the AGM. Please let us have the audited statement of accounts immediately.


 Despite our having gone online as far as entry for tournaments are concerned, there are some states which still rely on mail-entry system. This has been the experience in the last couple of years. But from this season, no entry will be accepted on mail or through phone or any other mode other than the ONLINE system followed by us. Similarly, it is the responsibility of the state association to remit the entry fee to the organisers directly immediately after sending online entries. Any entry received without entry fee will not be accepted. We will intimate the bank details when the prospectus is released.  


Whenever we nominate umpires/referees for national ranking tournament with a specific deadline, it has come to our notice that few states don’t even acknowledge it, leave alone nominating the umpires. If you have a problem in nominating please do inform us so that we can allot the quota to another state unit. If states don’t respond one way or the other, TTFI will be forced to leave out those states’ officials  for any future assignments and we will go ahead and nominate officials of our choice.