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Appointment of Coaches - Revised Remunerations



Latest norms for payment of monthly remuneration to various categories of Indian coaches are given in the revised guidelines promulgated by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports (Deptt. of Sports) in their O.M. No. 12-5/2013-SP.III dated 04.11.2015.  Ministry had forwarded this O.M. inter-alia to the President and Secretary of all recognized NSFs.  These guidelines are given below in brief: -


(i)  High Performance Specialist Coach


To attract top level Indian coaches, whose credentials are comparable to top foreign coaches, they will be paid a remuneration upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs per month.


(ii)  Chief/National Coach


SAI and NSFs will prepare a panel of National Coaches for various sports disciplines.  Each such coach will be paid a remuneration upto Rs. 1.50 lakhs per month.  Higher salary would be allowed in deserving cases with the approval of the Minister-in-Charge of Sports.


(iii)  Other Coaches


SAI shall appoint these coaches with a salary not exceeding to Rs. 75,000/- per month.  Higher salary would be allowed in deserving cases with the approval of the Minister-in-Charge of Sports.


2,  Keeping these guidelines in view, NSFs are requested to draw a panel of Indian Coaches (for each category as shown above) who could be considered for appointment as coaches for the next F.Y. 2016-17.


3.  I shall be grateful if you could kindly arrange to get such a panel of Indian Coaches drawn for each category and forward the same to SAI immediately along with full justification and monthly remuneration for each, not later than 19th March, 2016.