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WTT Series & Feeder | Rule Implementations




Dear Friends,

With the first WTT Event of the year starting soon we would like to draw the attention to two of the rules that will be implemented from 2023:


  1. Onsite Entry [WTT Handbook (WTT Series and Feeder Series) Reference 2.15., Page 34]
    1. This is not a new rule, just not implemented so far. It is quite clear that applying this small process will help the Events as well as the players by avoiding no shows and subsequent consequences. 
    2. Briefly, all players playing in Qualifying, or on Wait List and onsite, must confirm their attendance no later than one (1) hour prior to the Qualifying Draws being conducted. Failing to do this can result being removed from the Qualifying and further subject to penalty fees. 
    3. Please read the relevant regulation as cited above and the application of it for the first phase that applies in 2023.
    4. The time for the qualifying draws as well as the Qualifying Sign-in Deadline will be communicated on site well in advance so the players will know.
    5. The contact details of the Event Supervisor are always published on the Event Prospectus. We strongly encourage players to always know the Event Supervisors, as in addition to this process the Event Supervisor of each Event should be the players first point of contact for any matters.


*The above process has already been communicated on site too for the WTT Contender Durban 2023.


  1. Black shirts not permitted at Events with black flooring [WTT Handbook (WTT Series and Feeder Series) Reference / a. / I., Page 67]
    1. This is one of the new rules introduced and communicated on 21 December 2022 and will be implemented with immediate effect
    2. The color of the floor is always published on the Event Prospectus, we therefore strongly recommend this is checked in advance.

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