World Table Tennis Day





All Secretaries


Dear Friends,




As you are aware, the World Table Tennis Day (WTTD) and was, for the first time, held on April 6 the world over with the main theme of Table Tennis for ALL in 2015.


An initiative of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), the WTTD was established as a fundamental mission is to promote the sport globally to be played in each corner of the world with an aim to make the sport popular, universal and inclusive.


The term “ALL” means more people-different kinds of people in terms of age, gender, social status, culture and physical ability-and the ITTF firmly believes that table tennis is not just a matter of competition but a vehicle for positive social change, a healthy worthwhile use of leisure time and an opportunity to bring people together. It is also a sport for life and fun!


When it was started last year, it had turned out to be a wonderful, vibrant programme as it carried exactly the message across 70 countries. The WTTD, in short, is a celebration of the joy to play Table Tennis for fun, bringing people together where the focus is less on the competition and more on participation and fun, to gather the sport’s enthusiasts, attract people who usually don't play it, promote the love for our sport, and ideally engage new players to the practice in the long term.


As we are a party to promoting the cause and also popularizing the sport, it should be our endeavour to engage as many people, enthusiasts and new players of any age, gender, social status, culture and physical ability in table tennis on APRIL 6 and organize a mela of sorts in your state/city.


You can do whatever is in your capacity and within the resources available at your disposal by organizing an event that will go a long way in not only bringing people together but also taking a new measure to lure people to the sport.


At the end of it, please do send me a report on what you did along with pictures.


With best regards,


D.R. Choudhary


Secretary General