Please refer to the Circular relating to Date of Birth Guidelines to be Followed by all state Associations as laid down under the Registration of Birth and Death Act, 1969.


In this regard, in addition to the already issued guidelines, the following procedure is required to be followed by all state associations in light of the observations made by Honorable High Court of Delhi in one of the cases pending before the Honorable High Court.


In case of a Player produces a Date of Birth Certificate in which the Date of registration is beyond the period of one year from the date of birth mentioned, the following procedure should be followed:


A) The Player should be directed to produce the Copy of Judicial Order from competent authority which has been submitted by the Player / parent with the Registrar of Birth and Death / competent authority for getting the Date of Birth registered as per law.


B) In case the photocopy of Judicial order is produced the same should be sent to authority, issuing the said Judicial order for verification of authenticity.


C) In case Player / parent is unable to present the copy of Judicial order, then player should be allowed to play conditionally and subject to the following:


i) The state Association shall forward the copy of said certificate (submitted by the Player which has been registered beyond the period of one year) to the Registrar of Date of Birth and Death (who has issued the certificate) to confirm and provide the copy of Judicial order on the basis of which the Date of Birth of the Player has been registered.


ii) In the event of non availability of the Judicial Order, the Registrar may pleased be asked as why the guidelines laid down under Date of Birth and Death Act, 1969 has not been followed and on what basis the Birth of the player has been registered, which is not in conformity of the Date of Birth and Death Act, 1969.


iii) In case of non availability of Judicial Order or non compliance of provisions of Date of Birth and Death Act, 1969 at the time when the Birth of the player had been registered, the Player shall be liable to disciplinary action as rules and guidelines laid down by Table Tennis Federation of India.


Please note that the compliance of the above guidelines is the absolute responsibility of state association’s President / secretaries.


Please confirm the receipt of this circular.