Sharara hints at vital roles for TTFI in world body


Adham Sharara, president of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), leaves Hyderabad today as a happy man after the successful completion of the Volkswagen World Junior Table Tennis Championships on Sunday. He says he was carrying with him a lot of wonderful memories about the championships, with new standards having been set here. He agrees they will be difficult for future hosts to emulate. In a free-wheeling chat with our Media Manager in Hyderabad, the ITTF chief speaks on topics ranging from development to promotion of the sport in the country, the potential of Indian paddlers, the vice-like grip that the Chinese have over the game and considering special roles for the Indian apex body in ITTF. Excerpts:

Q: Your impressions on the conduct of the Junior Worlds here.

A: One word, superb, would suffice. I am bowled over by your organizational capacity. I must congratulate the TTFI, the Andhra Pradesh Table Tennis Association and all those involved with the conduct of the championships. In a way, I must admit, you have spoiled us!

For success of any championships of this magnitude, you have to get three things right: the technical conduct, hospitality, and administration. On a scale of 10, I would give 11 marks. You have made the scale slightly bigger with a new measurement added to it. All the technical officials, with Indians in a majority here, were flawless. Accommodation and food, with an outstanding spread laid out, have been palatable. When I learnt the Germans and the Japanese were happy, I needed no proof because it is very difficult to satisfy them. You made every participant "feel at home." The transport department was so competently managed that people in charge of it deserve a pat on their back. Most importantly, the media coverage of the event, both print and electronic, was outstanding. Without the media support the success cannot be complete.

Q: Would you agree the current format of the worlds seem to favour the top eight teams more than the rest which toil a lot without benefiting much? The ITTF's purpose of providing a level-playing field seems defeated?

A: Last year, we had four groups of five teams each. It gave a lot of opportunities to all teams, more so the struggling ones. Yet, some complained about the format. We, in the ITTF, have committees monitoring all the time on issues like these and work on systems that benefits all. I will talk to the committee members again and urge them to devise methods that satisfy all concerned.

Q: How about having a pool of top coaches who can be sent to various countries to help them improve the standard of coaching globally?

A: We do have Level-1, Level 2 and Level 3 coaching system and top coaches identified. We also have coaches' clinics. But rather than sending them to train paddlers, which costs a lot of money, I would like our top coaches training your coaches. Besides, every coach has his own style. I would like our coaches to train your coaches who can then go about training your paddlers. And if TTFI is willing, we can provide top coaches and help conduct meaningful clinics in India.

Q: We know how dominating the Chinese have been in the sport. We also know minus the Chinese, the glamour quotient in any TT event is lost. How do you think the two can be overcome to pose a real challenge to the Chinese?

A: Yes, we do want other teams to come up like the Chinese so that they can pose real challenge to their domination. But one must give credit to them for the way they have held the reign for so long. It is all because of their perseverance and tireless efforts. Table tennis is their national game and their pride in the sport is so deep and hence it is difficult to erode. But we do want the Chinese to open up to the world and help other nations to come up in the game. They are such a well-knit, close-to-the-chest unit but the younger generation is changing and opening up slowly but steadily.

No doubt, the Chinese won all the titles here, but you saw this girl, Petrissa Solja from Germany. She proved the Chinese are beatable. Watch out for Petrissa, she has the potential to be a future world champion.

As for the Indian paddlers, they have definitely grown in stature and have a lot of potential to be world-beaters. Some of the juniors here were really good, particularly the two new girls. But the Indians are not as hard working as the Chinese are. Their laid-back attitude has to change. You have wonderful facilities in the country and great resources. They should be tapped meaningfully.

Q: As you are aware, cricket in India and runs a money-spinning pro-league. Taking the cue, a few Olympic sports are floating professional leagues. How about a TT pro-league in India?

A: I have heard about the top-perch that cricket has in your country. It is very difficult for other sports to replicate. But such leagues do help the players with a lot of exposure and brings in money to the players. It benefits the federation too. Your federation should think about introducing a pro-league to help all. We can provide whatever support your apex body needs.

Q: You have already certified the organizational skills of TTFI. Do you think it should be brought into the mainstream of ITTF and asked to play some important roles?

A: Yes, definitely. TTFI has been very close to ATTU (Asian Table Tennis Union). We want your federation to be more close to the ITTF. I have already spoken to Mr (Dhanraj) Choudhary about it and already thinking of some good positions for your federation officials in the ITTF. I am going to take it up with our executive council soon. Your federation deserves the recognition.

Q: Now that you are satisfied with the organization of junior worlds, will ITTF keep India in mind about allotting major championships?

A: Certainly. You have shown it to the world how well you can organize global events. Before coming to the championships here, the players and officials may have had apprehensions about the conditions, the venue, the people, transport and various other things. But after seeing you provide a great hospitality and enjoying the atmosphere, they will all carry messages to other players and countries.

You have proved you can organize the senior world championships. You have great venues and resources. We will not hesitate in allotting them, I am sure.