Indian paddlers enter second stage at world meet


Dortmund, March 28: The Indian paddlers, both in men and women’s sections, made it to the second stage of the Liebherr World Table Tennis Championships here this afternoon.

The men’s team, comprising Sharath Kamal, Amal Raj, Sumyajit Ghosh, Sanil Shetty and Soumyadeep Roy and placed in group E second division, progressed after beating Finland, Nigeria, Canada with identical 3-0 margins in respective matches, while losing to Romania 1-3. They will now take on Norway later tonight. But irrespective of the outcome of that match, India’s men have qualified to play for positions 25-32.

Similarly, the Indian women team, consisting of Poulami Ghatak, Mouma Das, K Shamini, Ankita Das and Mousmi Paul, too will play in positional matches between 25 and 32. The women paddlers first began with a 1-3 loss against Israel, and then beat England 3-2 in a thrilling match. They, however, lost their third match against Italy 1-3 before regrouping themselves to beat Estonia 3-0 and finally Nigeria 3-0. Thus they finished second to qualify for the second stage.