Abhay Prashal Stadium Indore will soon be an International Training Centre



A total of 22 Training Centres from 16 countries across five continents, have been recommended by the ITTF Education and Training Department for inclusion in the newly formed ITTF Hot Spots Training Centre Network initiative.

We are proud that soon Abhay Prashal Stadium, Indore will be one of the ITTF Training Centres. Of the 22 traning centres , ours is the only centre in the South Asian Region , the first of its kind, recommended by the ITTF Education and Training Department. The standards and quality of the new tranining centre will be of International One , under the supervision of ITTF. Once we complete the formalities, the training centre will be approved by the International Table Tennis Federation and will be allowed to use the approved logos.

The centre will offer facilities to players from other countries for training and practice. This has been one of the dream projects of TTFI and soon the players will get the best coaching facilities, thereby further improve the standard of table tennis in the country.

TTFI is much thankful to Mr. Mikael Andersson, ITTF Executive Director, Education and Training for the support in making our dream a reality.

This has been possible because of the whole hearted support of Mr. Abhay chajlani, Mr.Suresh Gawde, Mr Jayesh Acharya and Mr Vivek Kohli

We shall update the information of the centre , once the project takes off

A warm welcome to Abhay Prashal, Indore