The current selection policy of the Table Tennis Federation of India, as per the notification dated May 9, 2023, and appearing on our website, will continue for the selection of players for all international events (Teams and Individuals) until the Paris Olympics 2024.

As per the ITTF guidelines, the selection criteria to choose two players for the singles, if India qualifies as a team for the Paris Olympics 2024, would be: 


"If India qualifies as a team for the Paris Olympics 2024, they obtain TWO (2) quota places for singles. Besides the top two (2) highest-ranked players in the world ranking of Week 25 in 2024 (Tuesday 18 June 2024), the part of the Indian team chosen as per TTFI selection policy will be eligible to participate in the singles events of the Paris Olympics 2024. 


"E.g. A player is World ranked No. 65, B player is World ranked No. 81, C player is World ranked No. 95 and D player is World ranked No. 105. Now, an A player, C player & D player would form part of the team as per TTFI selection policy. So, A & C players will become eligible for the singles events as they are the two highest-ranked players and part of the Indian team. Here, the B player, though ranked higher than the C player will not be entered for the singles event as the B player is not part of the Indian team."