Sonal for Tokyo Games



New Delhi, June 27: Sonal Ben Patel will be the second para Table Tennis player, representing India In the Paralympic Games, to be held in Tokyo from August 24. Sonal, in Class 3, was allotted entry from bipertite slot by the ITTF. Bhavina Ben Patel was the first athlete to secure her place fir the Tokyo Games.


In June Sonal, with the world ranking of 19, was expected to participate in the World Qualifications Final in Slovenia, but was denied visa. However, the efforts if TTFI, which took up the issue with ITTF through PCI, saw reason and allotted the slot to her.


Sonal, in her reaction, thanked TTFI, PCI and ITTF for considering her name. “I am very happy, my prayers have been answered, she said.