The South Asian Junior Table Tennis Championships-2012
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A short but sweet experience!

When a state government pitches in to organize an event, especially as title sponsors, the success of it is never in doubt. Yet, what remains in the realm of uncertainty is the organizing part as, more often than not, the officials entrusted with the job make a slip here or there in their over enthusiasm. As a result, such goof-ups remain the sore point and, conveniently, everyone forgets the best part.


We have an example in the 2010 Commonwealth Games which are re

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A Perfect Ten score for Indian boys and girls

Shillong, June 19: The Indian boys and girls achieved a Perfect Ten score. Their domination in the SAF Junior Table Tennis Championships, being held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Sports Complex indoor hall here, was complete when they won all the six finals on the concluding today, returning an impressive tally of 10 gold and four silver medals. They had bagged four gold medals in team events yesterday.


The Indian paddlers yet again proved th

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Twin Global Junior Circuit Events in SAARC region

Shillong, June 18: The meeting of the South Asian Table Tennis Federation was held here today as a part of the ongoing SAF Table Tennis Championships. During the meeting the secretary-general of the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI), Dhanraj Choudhary, informed representatives from the SAARC countries that the TTFI was pleased to provide free board and lodging for all participants from the SAARC nations in the upcoming Global ITTF Junior Circuit event t

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Indians make clean sweep of SAF TT team medals

Shillong, June 18: When you have a reservoir of young talent and well supported by a systematic training programme, the results are always rewarding. So it was not surprising when the Indian boys and girls, in all the four categories, made a sweep of the team titles on offer in the ongoing SAF Junior Table Tennis Championships at the Jawaharlal Nehru Sports Complex indoor hall here today.


By finishing atop, the junior boys and girls als

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Indian junior boys enter semis

Shillong, June 17: Indian boys made a short work of their opposition in Group A to enter the semi-finals of the SAF Junior Table Tennis Championships at the Jawaharlal Nehru Sports Complex indoor hall here today.


As for the junior girls, Cadet boys’ and girls’, the hosts have won their first match with ease and will take on the rest of the teams in fray later in the evening. Unlike in the junior boys section, which is played in two stages, t

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