Event Section
A compact, new venue with a purpose


New Delhi: Table Tennis Foundation (TTF), which hosts the 47th All India Inter-Institutional Championships in Delhi between August 1 and 8, is a compact facility for a tournament of this size. This was the view of a three-member delegation from the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) that visited the facility some time ago.


The delegates included Secretary General M.P. Singh, his predecessor Dhanraj Choudhary and Competition Manager Ganeshan Neelakanta Iyer.


With the Karnataka Association, allotted to host the event, pulling out with just about a couple of months to go because of accommodation issues at Udupi, TTFI was looking for an alternative venue. That was when the TTF offered to conduct the championships.


But then TTFI absolutely wanted to make sure of the facilities available at TTF and when the delegates visited the place at Swaroop Nagar, near Rohini, they were satisfied with the air-conditioned hall that can accommodate nine tables for the team championships. For the singles events, the competition department decided, more tables could be added.



TTF is the brainchild of a team of thee people—Ajay Jain, Jinendra Jain and Anshul Garg—who invested to create a facility that will have all-encompassing amenities that go on to produce champion table tennis material. Luckily, they also had the support of Lawa, a popular mobile brand.


Anshul Garg, who had been running a successful academy under his own name, joined hands with the other two to set the ball rolling. As a result, the TTF first constructed fully furnished 2-beded air-conditioned accommodation to cater to the needs of 30 students (all boys), a hall constructed with pre-fabricated bricks and tastefully done roofing with a couple of layers for heat resistance.


Courtesy STAG, the TTF and AGA have the flooring, latest brand of tables and multi-ball practice facilities to prepare the academy boys to the challenges ahead. The best part about the academy is that they have two North Koreans in place—an experienced former national coach along with a sparring partner to impart lessons and give practice to the players. Just before its inauguration a few months ago, the Academy imported Hubert Hustache, the French coach who had done a stint with Team India.



Of course, the TTF and AGA has bigger visions and plans afoot for expansions. That includes a multi-gym and probably introducing scientific methods to measure the progress of the boys.


“It is just the beginning. We are hopeful of turning it (AGA) into a state-of-art academy where the boys don’t have to look outside,” said Ajay Jain. “We have arrangement with the Sant Sujan Singhi International School for admissions to children coming to our academy,” added Ajay.


Concurring with him, Jinendra and Anush added: “We have begun this academy with a purpose. If things fall in place as we anticipate, we will be able to produce national champions within the first three-four years. We are grateful to the Sant Sujan Singh trust to provide us with the land for developing this academy,” said Jinendra.