Event Section


Chandigarh: After having tasted success with the online entry system, which the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) introduced three seasons ago, we have thought of bringing in a few more novelties from this season.


As a result, all table tennis lovers, particularly the Indians, around the world will be able to view all show-court matches on YouTube irrespective of where you—sitting in your drawing rooms, at leisure time in work places or while travelling. You can view the live streaming of matches by following the link by logging on to our website: www.ttfi.org


Another feature that the TTFI has added as a part of innovation from the North Zone championships is the real-time scoring on all tables. This will be in addition to the manual scoring that the umpires do.


Investing hugely, the TTFI has done this to help facilitate everyone keep track of a particular match on each day of the championships. This has been made possible by providing each main umpire with a tab to update scores instantly.


The International Table Tennis Federation offers real-time scoring only in World Championships but the TTFI, with a view to taking the sport to a next level, has decided to provide this facility from zonal level.